Thursday, November 8, 2012

Who Am I?

Who am I?
I am Britni Kay McBride, middle daughter of Steven Dale and Corinna Katharine (Young) McBride. I'm the one that decided my grand arrival would be at 2:37 in the morning, but would be the easiest delivery. I'm between Natasha Leigh and Kylie Katharine in age, Tash being five years older and Ky being five years younger. I’m who you would think would be the mediator, but who in reality does most of the arguing. I am the house cleaner, and the one who charges my siblings for me to clean up after them as my own kind of ‘allowance’.
I am the granddaughter to Frank Eldon and Helga Elsemarie (Summerer) Young, and Gilbert Dale and Barbara Kay (Stuhr) McBride. Between the grandpa that I never met, and the two grandparents who live two miles away but have no emotional contact with us, Helga was about all I had.
I am the girl who got pregnant at sixteen, and who cannot blame anyone or anything other than my own actions. I’m the girl who got broken up with after a seven month relationship, then found out I was pregnant, and went through the amazing journey of going from child to mother with my own mother, because the father refused to believe he had to grow up. I’m the girl who, when my water broke, walked through that admissions door of Memorial Community Health, Inc holding my mom’s hand and had a smile on my face, knowing I was going to meet the little one in either the pink or blue blanket that day.
I am the seventeen year old mother of a beautiful baby girl, Kiannah Elsamarie McBride, and the only real parent she has. I am the one who was in labor for nine hours, but had only half an hour of doing the pushing and hard work. I’m the one whose chest she was laid on, right after they announced that I had a little girl. I’m the one who pulled out the notebook of names, and named her after the strongest woman I know, Helga Elsemarie. I’m the one who carried her for nine months and who has taken care of her since day one. I’m the one that she will always know she can count on.
I'm the girlfriend of Donovan Kucera, a kid owning up and being a parent to a child that isn't his. I’m the one helping him through his high school career, being his support in place of the father who doesn’t care to.
I'm a senior at Aurora High School, and one of the kids that has gone to Aurora all my life. I'm known in the school as "the girl with a baby," but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm the girl that gets talked about, but it doesn't bother me; if they are taking the time to talk about me, they are leaving someone else alone. I'm the girl with the schedule that everyone wants to have: only three classes a day. 
I am a cadet on the Phillips Volunteer Fire Department. I can't do much yet, but once I turn eighteen, I can become a full member. I'm the one copying drivers' license information onto the run sheet, and taking pictures of accidents. I’m the one that has the honor of helping with firefighter rehab, making sure my teammates are okay.
I am a former FFA member. Former, because I knew with my pregnancy, I wouldn’t be able to go everything necessary to be in the club, go to school, and work. Though I’m not in the organization anymore, I take pride in the blue jacket with my name embroidered in gold.
I am an amateur artist. I draw for fun, and don’t take as much pride in my work as others say I should, but I believe that is because since I am the artist and I look at every detail as I’m putting the piece together, I see every single flaw. I should probably learn to better appreciate the work that I do, but I do not.
I am a student with a dream to help others. I want to be a social worker and help families and juveniles. I want to be responsible for someone’s life turning around for the better. I’m the one who will make a difference some day.
I am the girl that wants to change a stereotype. I want to be the one to prove, not all teen parents are bad parents. I want to start a revolution.

 My deep map, the finished project
 Kiannah's prayer bear, my family tradition.

Life Soundtrack: Homeboy, by Eric Church.


  1. Britni,

    Not only are you a very talented artist, but you are also a very gifted writer with a loud writer's voice! I loved your posting and the repetition of "I'm..." That worked so effectively. I also love the design of your blog. Nice work!

    Dr. English

  2. Hey you?! I frickin love you and your daughter by the way.... I think you should start that revolution, I have always been a fan of revolutions and such. If rioting is ever needed you know I'm in... Just saying.
